Sunday, May 30, 2010

I Can Haz Music Player Plz?

Wait, you guys!  I this this might work!  

I'm sure for 95% of you the thought of such high techery as adding an mp3 to a website is not rocket science.  For some of us, though, this is a big f'ing deal.  And Ed only helped a teensy bit by pointing me to dropbox.  Which is virtually not helping at all.  More of a street shout-out (Cash Cab fans), really.  I think someone is going to be mighty impressed with my Sunday morning interneting.  I may go wake him up to share the news.

Friday, May 28, 2010

I Love Asian Food, but....

I will miss these things nearly as much as my boots:

- Bagels
- Coffee in very large cups
- Thin crust non-chain pizza
- deli sandwiches

Not ramen, though.  We'll be lousy with ramen.

Last Day at Work!

Thanks y'all for the send off last night.  I'll miss you folks!

In a few hours, I will be unemployed and focused only on travel research, blogging, and the assembly of cardboard boxes.  Good.  Times. 

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Leaving is Not Calorie Friendly

I greatly appreciate the fete-ing, but soon my hiking pants won't fit.  At the moment I'd like to crawl under my desk for a pre-leaver drinks nap.  See you at the Half Farthing!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

In the immortal words of BNL...

"This is where we used to live." Ah, the 90s.  How I miss you.  Palazzo pants were the f'ing best.

Technically, this is still where we live...  For another 3 weeks.  After June 5th, the disassembly will begin and our lovely home of the last 2+ years will be unrecognizable.  I'm posting these so that when we're sleeping in a ger in the Mongolian steppe, I can fondly recall the cozy joy of our place.  I'm a cancer & some of you know my Mom; my love of nesting is the perfect storm of nature + nuture.  Hopefully the nomads will understand when I add some throw pillows for a pop of color. 

Also, if anyone wants to give Ficus a good home, holler at me.  Ficus enjoys sunlight, organic food drops, and being sung to during watering (old standards, please).  


The irony of Rodney-as-blogger will be lost on none of my lovely friends.  My neo-luddism has been revealed to many of you as you've tried helpfully to explain some newfangled piece of convenience and I have distractedly asked you for more wine or told you how nice your hair looks. 

Alas, team Edney departs for Mongolia in a few short weeks, so let the blogging begin!  As I type, I'm wrapping up at work, purging our home of the unnecessary, and contemplating how I'll live for a year with 4 pairs of shoes. (iloveyouboots)

The farewell tour has commenced in earnest.  Once I figure out how to link stuff and am no longer firewall-bound, we'll have some photo-magic too.  Let's do this thing!