Thursday, October 14, 2010

Helpful hints from Kellogg's Japan

As I was folding up Ed's cereal box yesterday to toss into the "Resources Bin," I couldn't help but notice the nifty recipes offered featuring Kellogg's Cornflakes in some unusual ways.  I'm not sure that I'm down for cornflakes on tofu, but cornflakes on black sesame parfait had me at "konichiwa."  I would consider the cornflake clusters shown accompanying coffee, but I'd probs pass on cornflakes floating in minestrone soup.  I'm also going to have to vote no to cornflakes on seafood pancake.  Jury is out on cornflakes atop cup of white stuff.  I don't know what's in there.

1 comment:

redmenace said...

Banana yogurt shake-- I am going to give that a big thumbs up. But the sogginess factor is giving me pause.