Friday, March 4, 2011

Weather related poetry

We're staying in Cradle Mountain National Park for a few days and the weather has not been conducive to nature loving.  Or even nature making out.   On the upside, the season does change about every 4 minutes.  The I composed these haiku while staring out our cabin window waiting for the sleet to subside so we could get on the trails. 

big hike planned today
sleeting on Cradle Mountain
every fucking time

momentary sun
quick, before it hides again
run for the summit

wilderness village
stupid name for these cabins
but, there's a heater

Tasmanian woods
weatherproofed my new hikies
now, about my face

Old hikies.  No treads left on the heels.
New hikies.  Ready to climb shit.


Yelena said...

I'd like to feel bad
but winter's snowpocalypse
makes empathy hard

on the brighter side
poisonous snakes don't much like
icy sky water

JSaw said...

I see the Asian experience has affected your rhyming capabilities :-)