Hiking is one of the only "sports" that Ed and I truly enjoy. We don't do it for health reasons, its not self flagellation, we just dig it. And Australia's National Parks are top notch in every way. Weather permitting, we've hiked the shit out of this country. And so, a brief summary with some lovely images from 'uardo.
From Brigg's Bluff, Grampians National Park, Victoria. It was insanely hot this day, and the hike was a bitch. But, the picnic at the top was rad.
Mt. Wellington, Tasmania. There were parts of this terrain that looked like other planets. When the fog rolls in, one can only see a few feet ahead. Great location for a horror flick, me thinks.
South Cape Bay, Tasmania. These wooden planks lead through swampy grasslands, rainforest, and eucalyptus stands. Magic.
The end of the South Cape Bay walk was here, at the Southernmost tip of Australia. Last stop before Antarctica, which was fairly evident by the freezing winds.
Boronia Peak, also in the Grampians. We were hungover this day after an insanely amazing meal and evening at the Royal Mail in Dunkeld. Since we don't have DVR, we had to walk it off.
We spent 3 days hiking our arses off in Cradle Mountain National Park. 2 days it sleeted, but on the final day it was perfecto and we hiked up the big stuff.
I do not look down.
Cradle Mountain was not without challenges. Or wombats. My heart nearly exploded from cuteness.
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