Thursday, February 3, 2011

Great Ocean Road Continued. And continued.

Days 3-5 on the GOR, we tried to mix it up between the coastline and inland roads.  The area is known for farming and has a self-proclaimed "gourmet trail" running inland from the Tasman Sea.  On Day 3 I aimed to agendize us with something for everyone: a hike for me, koalas for mom, an epicurean moment for Eduardo.  As it turned out, I was easily as obsessed as Penny with the marsupials, my Mom hasn't stopped raving about the lunch, and Ed happily lead us (to scare away the snakes) on our romp through the woods. 

Gentle Annie's is a farm and cafe that we stumbled upon while driving after our hike to Erskine Falls.  We were starved and followed cutie hand painted sandwich boards perched along gravel roads in the middle of cow-grazin' land.  By the time we arrived none of us was picky, but we could have been because we were served one of the best meals we've had in Australia.  And while I'm on the subject, may I just say that this place is pretty effing hit or miss food-wise.  Huge portions and price tags can be counted on, but its a small number of meals we've had that surpassed mediocre.  Oh, and never go to a "Mexican" restaurant here.  We've tried twice and the food has been borderline inedible.  At $25 for a vegetable burrito, I'm thinking that Chef Ole could dress it up with something superior to tomato paste.  Blergh. 

Oh, but Gentle Annie's!  A cafe tucked into a working berry farm, serving locally sourced dairy, wine and produce and baking the roof off in-house.  I ate a beef burgundy meat pie with a local shiraz and happily/stuffedily nodded off in the car before we reached the end of the driveway.  At 3:30 pm.  A moment of sheer travel kismet.

 Country Sweetness

The Ploughman's Lunch.  Bet you can guess who the ploughman at our table was...

Later that afternoon, we reported to Kennett river for koala watching.  True to Australian form, the koalas were in the trees noted in the brochure from tourist info at the appointed time.  They were pretty high up and a bit hard to see, but for tiny-brained animals, I had to applaud their punctuality.  Those little guys hit their mark more reliably than a chorus line.

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