Monday, February 21, 2011


  • I bought an Australian tabloid to take to the beach (hahahaha) and it featured not only an interview with a survivor of a great white attack, but also an illustrated guide on how to handle a poisonous spider bite. 
  • There is a popular show on TV about the most confusing road intersections in Australia.
  • No one has mentioned dingos.
Somewhat surprising: 
  • I've not seen an Australian wearing Uggs (boots, slippers, moccs or otherwise).
  • Australians are friendly.  Also, opinionated.  In conversations with total strangers we've been told, unprompted, that: New Zealand is not a country, American food is disgusting, and cockroach infestations can not be controlled.  
 Not surprising: 
  • Australian hot dogs are delicious.
  • The only people I've seen talking loudly on their cell phones have been American.
  • Kangaroos are bonkers cute. 

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