Thursday, December 30, 2010

Cheating while eating

Dear Mister Donut,

I have a confession to make.  I have not been faithful to you and I am so, so sorry.  Before I go on, I just want you to know how much you mean to me and how I treasure our memories.  I only hope that you can see past this one indiscretion and have me back. 

On this last trip through Bangkok, I met someone at the Empire Mall.  He called himself "Daddy Dough" but I don't even know if that's his real name.  We spent one afternoon together, and that was it.  He is nothing compared to you; flashy, too-sweet, downright immature.  It was a one time thing and being with him only made me realize that you are the one for me.  Forever.

I hope we can move past this sad event and look forward to an exciting and fulfilling future together.

Misses Donut

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