You guys! I've been wanting to post this since Mongolia, but between the blackout in China, the boxed up desktop in Seoul, and the slow download speeds over wifi, I didn't have a chance.... Till now....
The last ger camp we stayed at in Mongolia was in Hustai National Park, where there are tiny fancy wild horses wandering the hills. At 5 p.m., in the rec room ger, there was a performance. Of a self-described Mongolian "boy band." Ed refused to go, but I was there at 4:59 in a good seat away from Undraa and Asshead so I could freely giggle and film the proceedings.
Needless to say, this isn't what I was expecting. In this video, the band is performing one of their hits about Ghengis Khan. Its called "Ghengis Khan." In case you can't tell from my shotty camera-work, these guys take themselves pretty seriously.
Incidentally, the band was on our flight from UB to Beijing with the same hair do's. But their traveling clothes are T-shirts bearing the band's name. If its a sin to wear the band's t-shirt to their concert, what sphere of nerdiness does wearing the band's t-shirt to the airport when you're a member put you in?
The best part is the last 10 seconds when the throat singer off camera sounds like he is at once harmonizing and trying to bring up a chicken bone.
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