Thursday, June 10, 2010

List of Thank Yous

1.  To the partiers and party crashers on Saturday night.  I've not had such a nasty hangover in years, nor such a brilliant evening to show for it.  So hot but so best.*
2.  To Capital One, for testing the very limits of my already frayed nerves in a week where just one "No Hassle" interaction would be so very much appreciated.  Truly, you are all hassle, all the time.**
3.  To our landlords for saying that unless the walls of our apartment cave in over the weekend we will receive our full security deposit.  You are the exception to Manhattan property owners. 
4.  To Roberta's where I will eat one of my last and favorite meals in NYC tonight with 2 of the awesomest people I know.  Also, micheladas.  I'm not sure who to thank for your advent, but I'll put it to the universe.
5.  To the internets, for keeping me connected with the people that I already miss, though I haven't yet left.  Sigh. 

*special shout out to Sue for music, Jenny for interior consult, and Katie for everything else. 
*that 2nd one might have been a touch sarcastic.  sors. 

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