Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Countdown to Breakdown

Okay, people.  Little known fact about tie-cutting and home-leaving: it is a ton of fucking work.  Like, my job tweren't nothing compared to the hustling I'm doing now.  Priorities for the remainder of this week:

- finish gathering moving quotes and select mover
- dentist
- eye exam
- vaccinations (tetanus, ow)
- visa applications for China & Vietnam
- final party plans for Saturday
- drive to CT to continue the possession parade making a circuit between here, darien & the berkshires.

This in the midst of an inappropriate amount of socializing.  A very lovely and blurry long holiday weekend thanks to my girls and assorted couple friends makes the running through weather-soup extra challenging.  I'm not sure yesterday's informal beer garden tour of the 5 boroughs necessarily helped either.  Overserved.

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