Saturday, June 26, 2010

Appy-hay Irthday-bay to Olly-may

Happy happy, bestie.  I hope you and Bands are drinking bucket-cocktails on a riverboat in Cambodia.  I maybe don't even have to hope that, its probably exactly what you're doing.

For some reason when I woke up this morning, I thought about the lyrics from that song "I Gotcha" by Joe Tex and how we used to listen to the Pulp Fiction soundtrack in high school and speculate about who he was after and why and how that song could be so terrifying.

In the past several hours that song has somehow morphed into a creepy anthem for me coming to meet you in Asia.  Just try it out, it really sheds some ironic rainbow colored light on the scariness.

"You made me a promise and your gonna stick to it..."

Um, that went to an unexpected place.  Happy Birthday, though, for reals.  Can't wait to get the band back together:

1 comment:

redmenace said...

ZOMG, I am just seeing this blog for the first time (Captain Out Of It, reporting for duty), and this almost made me cry while sitting in my Cambodian guesthouse. I can't wait until you and I are in the same timezone! And then the same city! I am mentally salivating like an obese person in a Doritos factory.